Who is Archangel Raphael? Posted on 2 Feb 21:50 , 0 comments


Raphael is the archangel of the fifth Ray, a ray of truth, Integrity, healing, science, deposition, abundant life, music, and mathematics. His divine counterpart is Maria, embodied Maria, the mother of Jesus. Their ray corresponds to the chakra of the third eye; They can also help us gain spiritual vision and the gift of discerning spirits.

The name "Raphael" means "God has healed" or "The Cure of God." In one Hebrew text it is said that Raphael opened up the healing power of the plants; The other text tells how he healed the blind and tied the demon.

Catholics revered him as an angel of the Lord who healed the sick in the pool of Bethesda. The Book of Enoch states that the duties of the Archangel Raphael were to heal the sick and wounded.

According to the Hebrews, Raphael was one of the three archangels that appeared before Abraham. They also believe that it was Raphael that gave Sarah the power to give birth to a child at her old age.

Raphael is also known as the patron of travelers. In the book of Tobit, Raphael, introducing himself as a knowledgeable road traveler, accompanies the son of Tobit, serving as a guide on his long journey. At the end of the story, Raphael reveals the truth about himself and explains that God sent him to test the faith of Tobit and his son. They have passed their trials and received great blessings of healing and abundance.

Raphael’s abode is located in the ether kingdom over Portugal. The flame of healing, burning on the altar of his divine abode, was physically entrenched when, in 1917, Mother Mary appeared to children in Fatima. Even to this day a ray of light shines bright upon this place, like a powerful waterfall from the ethers to physical reality, healing all whom that way shall come.  

Maria and Raphael assist all medical institutions around the world. On an etheric levels they teach future parents of Christ Consciousness.  They inspire scientists, healers and health professionals to create new medicines and alternative therapies.

Angels from the Archangel Raphael’s team are master surgeons. Raphael says that they use "laser technology" to "penetrate into the very core of the cell, in order to extend the purple flame from inside the cell and seal it with healing thoughtform."

Archangel Raphael gave us a healing thought form, which is a scientific formula for the restoration of inner blueprint and divine integrity when it (Thoughtform) visualizes the surrounding and cross cells and atoms of the four lower bodies (or Specific body).

Thoughtform consists of three concentric areas of sacred fire, the white sphere surrounded by sapphire-blue, which in turn is placed in emerald green. The white sphere in the centre works on the local level, repairing the damaged part or sick body to its original state of perfection. The next, the blue sphere, establishes the protection and action of God's will. The green outer sphere restores the flow of the spirit through matter and integrity.

If you or your loved one suffer from the injury, call the healing Thoughtform: "In the name of Jesus Christ, the beloved Archangel Raphael, Blessed Mother Mary, place her healing thoughtform over (name of man)."

Archangel Raphael has appeared to me and asked that I channel through and manifest into physical reality a healing disc that would assist others in healing their energy fields, opening the heart chakra and connecting them to the divine.

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