AAA_The Peacock Spirit Disc can change your life in ways you never imagined. Helps reveal your hidden skills and talents to achieve your goals of wealth, beauty, prestige and good luck.

The Peacock Spirit Disc can change your life in ways you never imagined. Helps reveal your hidden skills and talents to achieve your goals of wealth, beauty, prestige and good luck.

The  Disk is also superb for opening a healer’s hand chakras more than they have ever been before, and for tuning the hand energy

How the Peacock Spirit Disc can help you

    • When you wish to explore your hidden skills and talents. Just as the peacocks can’t see their own feathers and are, thus, unaware of their beauty, we, too, can be unaware of our gifts. Their spirits can guide you into your inner consciousness to explore your true potentials. It’ll also help you to become fully aware of your strengths, and then you can use them to your benefit.
    • When you lack confidence. The peacock spirits are full of self-love and self-confidence and can lend some of it to you to improve your confidence.
    • When you are trying to heal from a tragic past experience and need the energy to move forward in life. The Shamans used to believe that peacocks possessed strong healing powers. Their spirit can heal all your mental and emotional wounds and help you grow stronger and wiser from your experiences.
    • The Peacock Disk is a healing tool which radiates full spectrum light frequencies. At the same time, the colors, copper, and quartz in the disk combine to produce more healing energies in the form of astral sound frequencies which are just above the normal range of hearing.
    • This powerful combination of light and sound produces an extremely strong healing energy.
    • When adverse circumstances or surfacing past life trauma cause the astral and physical bodies to lose or forget their original vibratory rate, disease begins to manifest first in the auric field and then in the physical body at the level of the atoms and molecules.
    • The Peacock Disk is designed to help retune the vibrations of the aura, atoms, and molecules with light and sound, thus restoring a state of health at the most basic levels.
    • The Disk is also superb for opening a healer’s hand chakras more than they have ever been before, and for tuning the hand energy. 

Peacock Religious and Cultural Meanings

In Hinduism, the peacock is associated with Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity and wealth. Like Lakshmi, the peacock power animal is generally symbolic of patience, benevolence, and compassion.

Similarly in Asian spirituality, the peacock is associated with the goddess Kwan-yin. The peacock totem holds similar attributes in the Asian tradition, including compassion, good-will, and kind-heartedness.

Christian traditions equate the peacock power animal’s attributes of renewal, rejuvenation, and immortality to elements of Christian doctrine and teaching, such as Christ’s death and resurrection.

In Egypt the Peacock was associated with the sun god and the eye of Horus. This was most likely due to the pattern of what looks like “eyes” on its feathers. Another reason the peacock was so revered in Egypt is because the peacock destroyed poisonous snakes.

Peacock’s True Colors
Embracing your inner truth and allowing your true colors to show can be a point of inspiration and comfort for those around you. Lead by example. If you talk the talk, be sure you walk the walk. It is the peacock’s consistent grace and confidence that attracts attention and admiration.

The iridescent blue green color of the peacock’s feathers has often been associated with royalty and the traits of self-confidence and leadership. The distinctive pattern of “eyes” on the feathers is associated with vision and wisdom.

The Peacock In Healing Traditions
Shamanic traditions often incorporate peacock feathers into their rituals and ceremonies for their healing and protective properties. Symbolizing purity, peacock feathers have historically been placed upon or tied over wounds to draw out poison and negativity. 

The Peacock Spirit Disc  is made with Genuine Gemstones :

      • 6- Garnet
      • 10-Peridot
      • 17 –Sapphire Cubic Zirconia
      • Gold inside 
      • It measures 3 x 3 inches (square)
 It is made of specialized quartz glass, cut to reflect the light in such a way as to amplify the power of the cosmic energies.

A guide on how to use it and the meaning of all the ingredients will be included with your order.

Each tool is securely packaged and beautifully wrapped. Each comes with a special pouch for you to carry your tool in.
Please note that you cannot wear this disc. You can carry it in your pocket, purse, hand, but it is not designed to be worn on your body.

Please note that since I put each and every single tool by hand and imprint them with energies it takes me roughly 2 weeks to make each one, along with the shipping please allow 2 - 3 weeks for delivery. Thank you :)


$ 198.00